Jun 29, 2009

Arabia Finland "VERKKO" plate

I like Arabia Finland and have some items, but this is the only plate I have.

The name of this pattern is called "Verkko", and designed in 1950s.
The meaning of "Verkko" is network, mesh and net.
I love this simple but well-thought-out design and colors.

The plate and wooden cutlery fit together very well, plus I think that it is designed to fit every food.


  1. suprmommy3 luvs wodden spoonsJuly 1, 2009 at 1:10 PM

    i luv wodden spoons - suprmommy3

  2. Dear suprmommy3,

    Thank you for your comment.
    I love wooden cutlery as well, and sometimes use wooden spoons, forks and knives.
    I would like to find some another wooden cutlery while I am staying in Japan this summer.

  3. My grandma's crockery is all of this "Verkko" Arabia design and I'm trying to find some pieces of my own. I love the simplicity of this particular design.
